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(14-03-2017, 11:26)enrike hu fr escribió: Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin   artista sois unos monstros   aqui en esta pagina  los tienes de perfil   ,,como los has puesto estan de lujo       [Imagen: s1_1.jpg]

Gracias Enrike, si no los conseguimos con vista superior, tendrá que ser con la lateral...
(14-03-2017, 11:29)Chusss escribió:
(14-03-2017, 11:26)enrike hu fr escribió: Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin   artista sois unos monstros   aqui en esta pagina  los tienes de perfil   ,,como los has puesto estan de lujo       [Imagen: s1_1.jpg]

Gracias Enrike, si no los conseguimos con vista superior, tendrá que ser con la lateral...

jajajaja    el MCL esta en el sentido contrario de la marcha ,,XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD     Wink

me recuerda el juego de feria de los camellos ese que habia que lanzar bolas en numeros para hacerlos avanzar ,,jajaja  
seguro que si sacan uno de f-1   ,trinfarian como las magdalenas ,,XDD

[Imagen: 523000001.jpg]
(14-03-2017, 11:02)payoloco escribió: Y en esas está la F1. Al completo. Aunque no nos lo pueda parecer. Toda la fórmula uno está esperando que Fernando tenga un buen coche. Con el que pelear por las victorias, por las poles. Con el que hacer salidas en línea con los primeros. Achuchar vuelta a vuelta a sus rivales. Tenerlos encima. Salir de boxes y que sea cuestión de metros ponerse delante o detrás.

Es ESTO lo que está esperando la fórmula uno. No está esperando más títulos de Hamilton, ni de Vettel, ni de nadie. No quiere ver a Mercedes liderar, o a Ferrari. Ya ha visto de qué son capaces esos pilotos. De salir primeros y llegar primeros. Pero NADA más. Los aficionados lo han visto desde hace ya 7-8 años. Y se han cansado. No quieren eso. Quieren algo AUTÉNTICO. Quieren luchas de verdad. De un gladiador de verdad. Porque antes los pilotos eran gladiadores, y Fernando es uno de ellos. 

Esto es lo que necesita la F1. Y otro año más no está siendo arrebatado. Otro año más nos está siendo negado. La supremacía de Mercedes no tiene límites, construida a base de ayudas pero también de haber sabido fichar gente buena y haber invertido mucha pasta. Pero luego está Honda, un motorista patético que ha entrado a la F1 como si fuera la fórmula Nissan. Han infravalorado la tecnología de esta categoría, y no se han sabido adaptar a la velocidad y exigencia de este mundo. El ridículo que están haciendo esta siendo de proporciones bíblicas. Y no olvidemos que Fernando tiene una cosa muy clara. Que no se nos olvide algo que Fernando nos recuerda de vez en cuando, porque creo que a veces a algunos se les olvida, pensando que él es feliz quedando el 12º y pasando a Q2. 

Las palabras de Fernando son muy claras: "QUIERO GANAR".

Se puede decir más alto, pero no más claro.

Esta muy claro, ese es el camino de la recuperación de la F1, comprender que el éxito de la F1 necesita basarse en lo mismo que las carreras de cuadrigas, en el piloto/gladiador que se juega el pellejo, en su pericia, no en si el fabricante de cuadrigas es el mejor, que si, que hay que reconocérselo, y sin duda el que presenta el mejor coche obtiene sus beneficios publicitarios.

Lo que levanta pasiones es la habilidad humana, el valor, la valentí heroicidad.

Y creo que los nuevos dueños son conscientes de ello y van por ese camino, un camino lleno de pedregosos intereses creados por los anteriores gestores, no será fácil ni rápido eliminar esos obstáculos, por suerte tenemos Fernando para rato, no se va a ir hasta que no vea ese camino despejado y se haga justicia divina.

Un camino que habrá que recorrer no se si en otro equipo pero si con otro motorista me temo, por desgracia hasta ahora Honda es el payaso del chiste.
Muramasa en Autosport.
Si ya estaba disculpas

Posted Yesterday, 20:05

Test 1 summary article

dotted parts for Hasegawa quotes

oil tank issue (on Day 1) timeline

- noticed the symptom on filming day
- during the Sunday night, Honda re-analyzed the baffle and took countermeasures and modified it at the venue
- it took long for analysis/redesign work, so they couldn't finish the countermeasure task in time for the beginning of Monday morning session
- so for the morning they decided to try sending the car out with unmodified tank
- after all it turned out that it was difficult to make running at racing speed
- therefore they decided to wait for the completion of the modification work (that's why they only made 1 lap in the morning)
- in the garage they were readying the PU with the modified tank being attached
- as posted before in another article, it took longer than expected to change PU because it's all new car all new PU
(info in the article)
(on oil tank issue) What's crucial about oil tank is internal config and baffle design, so if there is imbalance in there, you encounter problem that oil get stuck in one place/side of the tank by the effect of lateral G and longitudinal G and cannot be pumped up properly. It's something that can be dealt with by slight modifications, it's really not a big deal. It's something that can happen to any engines occasionally and it's nothing fundamental, but you have to dismantle PU from the car in order to fix it, so it takes long time for it unfortunately...
Oil tank is not conventional vertical cube type but Ω shaped to avoid the compressor which is mounted at the center of ICE. Therefore much consideration was put into the design but there was trivial mistake at terminal intake port. (info in the article)

(on the trouble at lap 29 in the morning of Day 2 of Test 1)
(Stoffel) reported that the car lost power suddenly on the way back to the pit. There was no sign of trouble on the telemetry, but Stoffel reported "lost power suddenly", so we examined the data and found out the power was actually dropping so we had him return to pit. Engine itself was running, but some cylinders were dead.
After the trouble we didn't do anything special like lowering output etc and continued to run as normal, but there was no issue. That the trouble has occurred is a headache, but it's only the PU in question that has broken down so quickly, so it's natural to consider that something irregular has happened.
Matt Morris quote:  This time's testing we conducted basic checking of the car, there is no parts that's showing unexpected behaviors, and we are able to increase the performance in fast corners. We could confirm that we are now emancipated from the issues we suffered from last year. Well, it was a slow start, and we merely made only one step tho.
We are able to complete the scheduled programs roughly, and make some recovery. We are not yet able to make durability verification like long runs, but we were able to consume testing plans like checking the car's basics and settings quite a lot. To be honest, I think everyone is making noise a bit too much just because we had some troubles at 2nd day.
We had an option to go for minor modification of last year's PU, but in such way it's impossible to step up to the next stage, so we are going into this season by revising everything from scratch, the consequence of which is this current situation. It's inevitable to suffer troubles having chosen to go offensive rather than defensive, so I take it positively.
we stumbled and fell down, and got injured in knees, but not sustained serious injury. We are not thinking like seriously injured at all. Just because something unfortunate happened in 2nd day, I dont think it's a big deal. The fact that we stumbled is shame, we are feeling bad for being unable to run as well, but it's no such thing that will make or break the entire season. What's truly concerning and crucial is how the level of our competitiveness will be as we progress the setup from now on.
(which one is more concerning/burdensome, reliability or lack of performance?) Of course performance, by tremendous margin. Regarding reliability you can overcome before too long. Still, you must not be disappointed at this stage already, and it's too early to say anything conclusive about result yet. I'm surprised by Renault's performance, but they may be light on fuel, may be under weight, etc, we can do something like that if we want to but we are concentrating on testing items so not going for lap time, so. Needless to say it would be encouraging to get P1 on the chart, but anyways we must work harder and harder.

>>> Test 2 <<<
Hasegawa quote for dotted parts

- cause of trouble: electrical (according to "Honda")
- Spec is the same as last week's, but some modifications applied for the components that had trouble last week (info in the article)

It is a fact that we have not been able to reach the original target power due to encountering various issues on dyno before entering the winter test. Regarding that, Alonso expressed his disappointment to us, and it is extremely shame for us Honda as well that we were not able to achieve our own target.
(on the PU introduced on Day 2 of Test 2)
Originally we were supposed to designate this PU as the spec to be introduced for Melbourne.
- Supposed to be used from Day 1 of Test 2, but its arrival to Barcelona got delayed because they were applying tentative measures to cope with the trouble that has occurred on Day 2 of Test 1. (info in the article)
Regarding the electrical issue (of Day 1 of Test 2), insulation malfunction has occurred, and what's suspected to be ground fault has happened. Current F1 cars are equipped with energy recovery systems hence high voltage electric current is flowing in it, so we have both cathode and anode isolated completely from the car. Ground fault happens if either electrode makes contact with the ground, but something like that can hardly happen with current F1 cars.
However, even if high voltage connectors are wrapped with insulation materials such as rubber, it comes to be the state of ground fault if it touches the ground. This time's trouble, it's not that it was completely short circuited, but it was merely giving a warning signal because the insulation resistance figure went below a certain threshold.
This sort of trouble can happen by slightest insulation malfunction, so it's not so difficult to repair actually, but finding the spot of malfunction is much more painstaking task, so we decided to replace the power unit as a whole.
At this very moment, we are undecided as to whether to use this PU at Melbourne or not. From now on, suppose the cause of the trouble that happened on Day 2 of Test 1 be identified, we will use this spec (introduced on Day 2 of test 2) as a foundation and do whatever it takes in order to improve the reliability until the last minute before Melbourne.
at about lunch time of Day 3:
F1 journalist Dan Knutson in Barcelona: Yusuke Hasegawa, Honda’s Head of F1 Project & Executive Chief Engineer, has flown to Japan where he will be at Honda’s F1 factory in Sakura to personally oversee the work on the much-needed updates to the power unit.

 dotted parts for Hasegawa quote
(Hasegawa, who should be in airport or on a plane to Japan by that time, was somehow giving interview at Circuit de Catalunya at the end of Day 3)
Regarding driveability, we must work on it and improve/mature more and more. Drivers were reporting dissatisfaction especially on the behavior of shift change, saying the shift-up is too harsh.
At the end of the morning session we have encountered electrical related issues and stopped on track. We couldn't identify the cause, but it's got restored itself quickly so we sent the car out on track again, but it's come to a halt once again. After that we decided to exchange the whole electronics-related components.
(restarted running at 4pm, then at the end of the afternoon session it stopped again by electric shut down) It happened in Brazil FP session last year, the power shut down  and restored by itself immediately, so Stoffel were able to come back to the pit on his own. However, it was only 30min to go til session flag, so we finished the day of testing at that point.
Although we suffered from troubles, we were able to make aero evaluations and performance verification, so in terms of understanding the new car at least it was good testing session for us.
Driveability is extremely important. Improve the driveability and extract bit more power, then the car itself should come to decent level.
Day 4
dotted parts for Hasegawa quotes
(Hasegawa, who should've been arriving at Sakura by then, was somehow still at Circuit de Catalunya giving interview at the end of Day 4 as well)

(first stoppage at 11:14, another stoppage at 11:52)
Electric related trouble has occurred again. Completely the same issue as yesterday's. I reckon that there was problem in the components that were left un-exchanged from yesterday.
During Day 3 (of Test 2), Honda changed ES. Trouble still persisted, so over night Honda decided to change the electronics related components of PU (info in the article)
We exchanged everything (of electrical related on PU side) to the components with proven reliability record that have been used already and encountered no issues in Day 1 and Day 2.
(Yet shutdown occurred again)
(on shut down issue during the run) It stopped immediately after hitting the bottom of the kerb at T9, so I guess that impact has to do with it.
(the context seems to be that reporters mentioned and asked if those electric issues were down to chassis side not PU side) Rather than the whereabouts of responsibility for the cause of the stoppage, it's shame that we as a team has lost the track time. But, I'd like to think positively, it's good that it didn't occur during GP weekend.
Alonso's time of 1m21.389sec wasn't that too bad if you think about when he set the time. It's not so common to set fastest time in the (early) evening. Had we not encountered the harness issues and been able to make attack lap around noon, perhaps we could've set better laptime.
But we are feeling enormous pressure (due to the current situation where they have only Sauber behind them)
"Me encanta Fernando Alonso y la forma en la que juega contigo. Nunca es aburrido"

Mark Hughes es uno de los periodistas más respetados de la Fórmula 1, presente en todos los grandes premios menos uno desde el de Silverstone en 1993
«Honda puede reaccionar a los problemas antes de Australia»
El jefe de los motores del equipo McLaren lanza un mensaje de ánimo después de la desastrosa pretemporada en Montmeló
Es la misma entrevista que hemos puesto varios. Es curioso como cambia el sentido según el medio, tras la traducción y posterior extracción del titular por parte del redactor.
Dentro de unos " pocos GP" ????
Qué es potencia..... 6 o 7 CV de mierdha como el año pasado?
Y las mejoras por caburante?
Es ridiculo que nadie responsable del area de combustible haya salido a dar alguna explicacion....
Yo solo espero la dimusion de aseaguas...pero el tio se aferra al cargo cual politico español.....
Dimite cooño, aunque sea por orgullo hostias, dimite.

Salto de foro:

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