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(09-05-2017, 13:46)enrike hu fr escribió: fans del compañero de Stoffel le ha faltado poner ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Perdona, el APAÑERO de stofe querrás decir.


"Cuando era niño, soñaba con coches, con olor a gasolina, con viento en la cara, trofeos."
¤ Fernando Alonso ¤

Cuanto de servicio social ha tenido el AloLuismismo here.....

#LaPeñaClausurada (no insistan).
(09-05-2017, 10:48)German Sanchez escribió: De los foros ingleses donde se discutia y se sigue discutiendo sobre 2007.
Sobre el estatus de no 1 de Fernando en McLaren:

Not necessarily in his contract, but I believe he was supposed to inside of the team at least at a certain point. One of my relatives worked for McLaren (albeit in the road car division) at the time and said that the team had a meeting (before Monaco I think) where they reinforced that Alonso was their #1 driver.

I don't think it's 100% a maturity thing. He just won back to back championships and he was asked to let a rookie get the advantage over him. Any self respecting world champion would instantly balk at letting a rookie get the best of anyone situation. You would, I would, he did. Sure, he went about it the wrong way, but he had a very good reason to refuse to allow a rookie to get the upper hand.

They've always worked that way. McLaren have always had a driver that they gave preference to for a very long time. Just because McLaren claim this isn't true doesn't support the evidence that it is. They preferred Mika over DC, Kimi over JPM and then started giving more preference to Lewis over Alonso. You guys act like Alonso had no friction in the team pointed in his favor to his detriment. Ron Dennis didn't want him to win so what makes you think it was a straight fight? It was never a straight fight and acting like McLaren was all "boo hoo you can't beat a rookie" is very disingenuous. He wasn't fighting a rookie, he was fighting all of McLaren to keep himself in contention. Boiling it down like this ignores reality for sound bites.

We can see the situation from another pov. Hamilton kept disobeying McLaren since the very first race, the Hungary incident probably caused Alonso the title, but the other option was being Webber in a Webber-Vettel situation. Both Hamilton and Alonso were inmature in 2007.

Pedro de la Rosa recently said that Hamilton put in risk the double for McLaren at Monaco, they were told to easy off the pace due to brake issues and Hamilton still pushed forcing Alonso to do the same thing.

You come out wondering how the championship would have ended without 'the team orders at Monaco'. Now I ask you, how the championship would have ended if McLaren would have backed up Alonso? He literally raced against his own team for half a season and still he was only a point behind the title, equally on points with Hamilton.

Great answer. I agree with everything, apart from "Alonso (...) has a massive argument with Ron Dennis and threatens him with blackmail". All your other points can be fact-checked, they are factually correct. This one is not, the point of view you're giving is only Ron Dennis' explanation of this meeting. Still many secrets waiting to be told about this 2007 season.

Then, for sure, there must be some substantial reason for Ron Dennis to go see Mosley and confess. For sure there must have been some kind of behind-door manipulation and coercion, I'm not trying to say Alonso is some kind of innocent angel. Just saying "not everything happened the way the British journos and Ron Dennis told us".
Wow. I didn't know that instead of trying to have a discussion that you guys would rather just call people liars and be done with it. McLaren have a history of having a preferred driver, or a #1 and #2 if you like. I'm not lying at all. It's happened in the past. It's not like I'm lying either, at the race in China in 2007 Ron Dennis sat on the pit wall and said directly in the microphone that was put in his face and said "We weren't racing Kimi, we were racing Fernando." How is that not preferential treatment? How is telling Lewis to let Fernando past during qualifying in Hungary not team orders? How is Alonso getting upset at those team orders and disobeying them after Lewis did the same not team orders? In China Ron was working directly working against his other driver winning. Call me a liar all you want, there's proof right there that McLaren do not let their drivers have a straight fight when it benefits them in some way, or the driver that they'd prefer to have a better finish.

How much more biased can you get? Alonso's 'cunt' move was only because Hamilton himself had disrespected team instructions by not letting Alonso by earlier in qualifying (and this wasn't team orders, it was a strategy that alternated between races and it was Fernando's turn to be let by). You make it seem as though only one driver was at fault that season.

[Imagen: giphy.gif]


"Cuando era niño, soñaba con coches, con olor a gasolina, con viento en la cara, trofeos."
¤ Fernando Alonso ¤

(09-05-2017, 13:31)cpp2808 escribió: Buenas tardes a todos trones...

jajaja que grande eres cpp


"Cuando era niño, soñaba con coches, con olor a gasolina, con viento en la cara, trofeos."
¤ Fernando Alonso ¤

la chica de la minifalda roja de la lista de Woolf-finder ,,,

[Imagen: b15cb0e8d109843632cc7d40117ff3e9.jpg]
(09-05-2017, 15:37)Pablo escribió: Cuanto de servicio social ha tenido el AloLuismismo here.....

#LaPeñaClausurada (no insistan).

Suerte tienes que carreño ha cambiado las coordenadas GPS del target. Si no te veía yéndote como poco a la tierra de fuego jajaja


"Cuando era niño, soñaba con coches, con olor a gasolina, con viento en la cara, trofeos."
¤ Fernando Alonso ¤

Payo abre ya el hilo de Barcelona ,, ,,o DIMITE ,,!!!!!!!!!!!

[Imagen: n_f_c_barcelona_varios-1794896.jpg]

màs que un club ,,XDDDDDDDD
(09-05-2017, 15:44)enrike hu fr escribió: la chica de la minifalda roja de la lista de Woolf-finder ,,,

[Imagen: b15cb0e8d109843632cc7d40117ff3e9.jpg]

I like it! Love
"Yo sigo pensando que el mejor piloto, el más completo, el único del que se esperan cosas que de los demás jamás se pensaría es Alonso." - Emerson Fittipaldi.
(09-05-2017, 15:46)payoloco escribió:
(09-05-2017, 15:37)Pablo escribió: Cuanto de servicio social ha tenido el AloLuismismo here.....

#LaPeñaClausurada (no insistan).

Suerte tienes que carreño ha cambiado las coordenadas GPS del target. Si no te veía yéndote como poco a la tierra de fuego jajaja

Carreño lo que tiene que calibrar - en humilde opinión - es lo que es el personaje con respecto al piloto (que es lo que esta hormiga siempre ha intentado dejar claro) y no comparar compulsivamente a todo actor del volante con respecto a Fernando... que ahí sale todo el mundo perdiendo y no terminamos valorando nada. Creo.
(09-05-2017, 16:03)Pablo escribió:
(09-05-2017, 15:46)payoloco escribió:
(09-05-2017, 15:37)Pablo escribió: Cuanto de servicio social ha tenido el AloLuismismo here.....

#LaPeñaClausurada (no insistan).

Suerte tienes que carreño ha cambiado las coordenadas GPS del target. Si no te veía yéndote como poco a la tierra de fuego jajaja

Carreño lo que tiene que calibrar - en humilde opinión - es lo que es el personaje con respecto al piloto (que es lo que esta hormiga siempre ha intentado dejar claro) y no comparar compulsivamente a todo actor del volante con respecto a Fernando... que ahí sale todo el mundo perdiendo y no terminamos valorando nada. Creo.


Pero no te preocupes, a veces yo también soy un poco provocador.
Tú sabes que me tienes muy ganao con ese avatar que me recuerda tanto... a alguien muy querido


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