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[Imagen: t6s4tt.jpg]
(15-10-2013, 00:12)BlasDeLezo escribió: [Imagen: t6s4tt.jpg]

(14-10-2013, 14:36)XaviSbd escribió:
(13-10-2013, 23:23)NachoBcn escribió:
(13-10-2013, 21:18)XaviSbd escribió: hola a todos.

Alguien puede decirme que es lo que ha hecho Massa?
Me refiero a la movida esta de que ha desobedecido ordenes de equipo. No me he enterado. Quizas ha sido mientras Antena 3 ponía publicidad y luego pasaba a TV3 y luego cuando me daban arcadas y nauseas y tenia que poner otra vez Antena 3... a ver si mientras me he perdido algo.

En serio, no me he enterado, no estoy ironico, hacerme memoria.


Desde donde empezamos... desde el homo sapiens... o antes???


Nacho, Felipe Massa es anterior al Homo Sapiens

Creo que Felipe Massa es el eslabón perdido.
Absurdo saludo fanático 
FA ‏@joseluisf1 4h
Ferrari, como el resto de equipos, diseñara para 2014 un conjunto chasis/suspensiones completamente nuevo

Todos menos uno...en Junio 2014 nuevo cambio de neumáticos a spec. 2013.......
Virutas de Goma F1 ‏@VirutasF1 14 oct
Vettel se trajo a Europa a Kimi en un jet privado, que pa eso son colegas y juegan al badminton. 9518 kms de charleta

en fin... Bored
FA ‏@joseluisf1 14 oct
Toto Wolff:cree que los coche con motor Renault han mejorado gracias a un inteligente mapa motor y nueva solución de soplado de escapes

Esa es la clave!!!!
Johnny herbert ‏@johnnyherbertf1 13 oct
Yes @CroftyF1 I concur...Alonso - McLaren, Hulkenberg - Ferrari, Massa - Lotus, Chilton - Force India, Magnussen - Marussia #crediblesource

APuesta de movimiento de pilotos de Johny Herbert.......
algo que igual a pasado muy desapercibido.....

Fernando Alonso ‏@alo_oficial 23h
1571 ...Points record in Formula 1 history... One day later... Even more proud and grateful! Let's go for more!

Fernando Alonso ‏@alo_oficial 23h
1571 ... Récord de puntos en la historia de la Fórmula 1. Un día después...sigo tremendamente orgulloso y agradecido! Vamos a por más!!
Fernando Alonso ‏@alo_oficial 13 oct
To see my name leading the points record for a sport like Formula 1 is something I never imagined. Thanks to everyone! 1571 points.

Fernando Alonso ‏@alo_oficial 13 oct
Ver mi nombre liderando el récord de puntos de un deporte como la fórmula 1 es algo que nunca hubiera imaginado. Gracias a todos!! 1571 pts

Ferrari all at sea

That brings us on to Ferrari, whose races are consistently hampered by poor qualifying results.
I really don't know what's going on at that team.
On Saturday morning in Japan, Fernando Alonso sat in his garage for the first 25 minutes of final practice - nearly half the session - while all his rivals were out on track pounding around doing their homework.
Alonso concedes titles
"Even if Vettel doesn't finish all of the races I need to win nearly all, so it's a matter of time [that Vettel will be champion], We have different goals now and they told me I have the record for the most amount of points in F1 history, so it's a happy day - the leading points scorer in F1 is something great."

Fernando Alonso concedes title

The wind direction had changed 180 degrees overnight, and all the drivers said it had completely changed their cars. Lewis Hamilton said it was "like a different race track".
There was lots of stuff Ferrari could have learnt then. OK, they could argue they will have good tyres when they do go out. But that's artificial. Then they are comparing themselves against people on older tyres and who have set times earlier in the session.
In F1, it's vital to compare yourself with people doing things at the same time as you.
If I ran Ferrari and was paying Alonso however many millions of euros a year he is getting, the last thing he would be doing would be sitting in the garage for half of the last session before qualifying when you know you are lacking pace.
Ferrari do that every single race weekend and I would have to question whether they have any structural management.
That is Alonso's biggest problem. When he doesn't see any structural management, he starts to be the manager, and having a driver do that is the worst place a team can be.
I talk to a lot of people and some of the stuff I have heard about Ferrari and how that team functions is absurd for an outfit of that standing. Something has to change there pretty soon if they are to be the team we all think they should be.
Fernando es de otro planeta

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