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Pretemporada 2014
(06-03-2014, 15:11)Josemurcia7 escribió:

Adelane chicos, encuesta y post explicativo. Es un tema MUY importante, así que, por favor, participad todos.

Por cierto..:

Lorenzo De Luca ‏@LorenzoDL83 2 h
According to #AMuS , #Ferrari ran in Bahrain with the turbocharger pressure well below the 3,5 bar and using only 120 Hp from ERS

¿Cuánto tiempo son 41cv menos en el tiempo por vuelta en Baréin?

Votado y opinado Smile
"Al final todo va a salir bien. Y sino ha salido bien es que todavia no es el final"

"Cuando un verdadero genio aparece en el mundo, lo reconoceréis por este signo: todos los necios se conjuran contra él" Jonathan Swift.
(06-03-2014, 15:21)amanoth escribió:
(06-03-2014, 15:11)Josemurcia7 escribió:

Adelane chicos, encuesta y post explicativo. Es un tema MUY importante, así que, por favor, participad todos.

Por cierto..:

Lorenzo De Luca ‏@LorenzoDL83 2 h
According to #AMuS , #Ferrari ran in Bahrain with the turbocharger pressure well below the 3,5 bar and using only 120 Hp from ERS

¿Cuánto tiempo son 41cv menos en el tiempo por vuelta en Baréin?

Votado y opinado Smile

Perfecto Amanoth Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin

Además, me auto-contesto a lo otro. Me chiva Diosfenix, que 10cv son aproximadamente 0,3s. por lo que sería más o menos 1.2s. menos para el F14-T, que le dejaría en 33.0 en Baréin, el tiemp que habría hecho HAM si no hubiese fallado en su VR.

Pero vamos, especulaciones...
(06-03-2014, 15:29)Josemurcia7 escribió:
(06-03-2014, 15:21)amanoth escribió:
(06-03-2014, 15:11)Josemurcia7 escribió:

Adelane chicos, encuesta y post explicativo. Es un tema MUY importante, así que, por favor, participad todos.

Por cierto..:

Lorenzo De Luca ‏@LorenzoDL83 2 h
According to #AMuS , #Ferrari ran in Bahrain with the turbocharger pressure well below the 3,5 bar and using only 120 Hp from ERS

¿Cuánto tiempo son 41cv menos en el tiempo por vuelta en Baréin?

Votado y opinado Smile

Perfecto Amanoth Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin

Además, me auto-contesto a lo otro. Me chiva Diosfenix, que 10cv son aproximadamente 0,3s. por lo que sería más o menos 1.2s. menos para el F14-T, que le dejaría en 33.0 en Baréin, el tiemp que habría hecho HAM si no hubiese fallado en su VR.

Pero vamos, especulaciones...
Según leí en F1 Racing hace unos años 10 cv son 0,15 segundos, no 0,3. Saludos.
AMuS published an interesting report about Ferrari:

Ferrari and the strange Testing strategy:
- Engañan o por precaución -

Mercedes (Aldo Costa) thinks they are as fast as the laptimes show, i.e. 1 sec slower than them. They base this on GPS measurements they have done.
(Btw, how can they measure other cars with GPS????)
He says that they ran a very strange test program and that Merc could not make any sense about their program and what they were doing.

AMuS thinks that Ferrari could not use constantly the 160 HP of the MGU-K, but usually used 120 HP. All in all they speculate that Ferrari gave away 1.5s because of the conservative engine settings (I assume they mean 1.5s during long runs).
Also, rumours are that Ferrari should be marginal with consumption. It seems now confirmed that Ferrari uses the MGU-K to blip the engine at downshifting.
An Expert: "You do that when you have consumption problems".
Mercedes thinks that this is a waste of electrical energy which could be brought to better use.
Toyota disagrees, they have investigated this for their LMP1 (Le Mans) program and say that doing it electrically has no negative effects and is the best way for the gearbox.

The theory that Ferrari is sandbagging is backed up by following:
- Andy Green of Force India is sure they are sandbagging
- Example Top Speed: In the last day, Alonso reached 339,6 km/h, way faster than the competition. The associated lap was rather slow, 1:35.509, 1.2s slower than his best 1:34.280
- Same story 2 days before: Alonso 338,5 km/h, with an associated lap of 1:40.634.
- And the same the other way around: In his absolute top lap Alonso reached only 308,5 km/h, over 30 km/h slower than what was possible. The Sector times in his fastest lap were not recorded, Ferrari mentioned transponder problems.
- No other team had so many empty data points in the sector time detection. And this in every testing day. Only at the start-finish line and at top speed measurements Ferrari could not hide anything, as this is not only measured with the transponder but also by other means. There are no empty data points with those measurements.
- Adding the best sector times of Alonso, measured officially by Ferrari, the quickest lap would be 1:35.559, 1,279 sec slower than his best lap, which is a "guaranteed" time.
- Domenicali, Alonso and Räikönnen are surprisingly calm. Normally, with one second gap, the roof would already burn at Ferrari. Also, in that interwiev when Domenicali admitted that they were behind Merc and Williams, after all microphones had been switched off, he added that the gap isn't that big and that they can close it.

There are some unclear things in this report, though, but Ferrari clearly is an enigma.
¿Tres campeonatos?
El problema es que entonces querré conseguir otro, y otro y otro... La ambición es imparable, infinita.

Fernando Alonso
Pensamientos al aire presenta:

Uno de los logros encubiertos de este histórico hilo es no haber pasado por la dieta del refritado debate de cada paréntesis carrerístico sobre Lobato y Briatore de cada año (respiro). Esso si, del primero decir que exceptuando su insana faceta "JJ" en veleta-mode, 2013 edition. Aunque igual al tenor de declaraciones recientes... parece que este año volverá - con la frente lógicamente marchita - a ser Alonsista. #ElPeriodistaBoomerang #SiempreTeQuiseYOtrosCantaresCursis

Bajando una marcha, soy de la idea de un hilo propio por GP, pero lo que salga del safety-horno estará bien para mi.. a no ser que sea un tal Christian posando, xdz!

Y saludos (hay que ver como cuesta poner esta simple palabra por aquí.... por las confusiones digo).
Goran ‏@alogoc 28 s
Massa's 1:33.2 had a slower S2 than Alonso(1st Bahrain test)

El sector REVIRADO, ojo que esto empieza a cuadrar...
(06-03-2014, 15:36)El abuelo escribió: AMuS published an interesting report about Ferrari:

Ferrari and the strange Testing strategy:
- Engañan o por precaución -

Mercedes (Aldo Costa) thinks they are as fast as the laptimes show, i.e. 1 sec slower than them. They base this on GPS measurements they have done.
(Btw, how can they measure other cars with GPS????)
He says that they ran a very strange test program and that Merc could not make any sense about their program and what they were doing.

AMuS thinks that Ferrari could not use constantly the 160 HP of the MGU-K, but usually used 120 HP. All in all they speculate that Ferrari gave away 1.5s because of the conservative engine settings (I assume they mean 1.5s during long runs).
Also, rumours are that Ferrari should be marginal with consumption. It seems now confirmed that Ferrari uses the MGU-K to blip the engine at downshifting.
An Expert: "You do that when you have consumption problems".
Mercedes thinks that this is a waste of electrical energy which could be brought to better use.
Toyota disagrees, they have investigated this for their LMP1 (Le Mans) program and say that doing it electrically has no negative effects and is the best way for the gearbox.

The theory that Ferrari is sandbagging is backed up by following:
- Andy Green of Force India is sure they are sandbagging
- Example Top Speed: In the last day, Alonso reached 339,6 km/h, way faster than the competition. The associated lap was rather slow, 1:35.509, 1.2s slower than his best 1:34.280
- Same story 2 days before: Alonso 338,5 km/h, with an associated lap of 1:40.634.
- And the same the other way around: In his absolute top lap Alonso reached only 308,5 km/h, over 30 km/h slower than what was possible. The Sector times in his fastest lap were not recorded, Ferrari mentioned transponder problems.
- No other team had so many empty data points in the sector time detection. And this in every testing day. Only at the start-finish line and at top speed measurements Ferrari could not hide anything, as this is not only measured with the transponder but also by other means. There are no empty data points with those measurements.
- Adding the best sector times of Alonso, measured officially by Ferrari, the quickest lap would be 1:35.559, 1,279 sec slower than his best lap, which is a "guaranteed" time.
- Domenicali, Alonso and Räikönnen are surprisingly calm. Normally, with one second gap, the roof would already burn at Ferrari. Also, in that interwiev when Domenicali admitted that they were behind Merc and Williams, after all microphones had been switched off, he added that the gap isn't that big and that they can close it.

There are some unclear things in this report, though, but Ferrari clearly is an enigma.

Es de lo más interesante que he leído esta pretemporada.

Por eso no me atrevo a sacar conclusiones.

Me llama mucho la atención la diferencias de punta 308 km/h en la mejor vuelta 1:34:280 y el 1:35:509 con una punta de 339,6.

Solo he ellos saben lo que se llevan entre manos.

Acabo de decantarme por hilo único + hilo por GP, con todo.

Allá explico mis razones Smile
Con Fernando Alonso siempre: gane, pierda, cometa errores o maraville con su perfección al volante. Soy un fan!
(06-03-2014, 15:36)El abuelo escribió: AMuS published an interesting report about Ferrari:

Ferrari and the strange Testing strategy:
- Engañan o por precaución -

Mercedes (Aldo Costa) thinks they are as fast as the laptimes show, i.e. 1 sec slower than them. They base this on GPS measurements they have done.
(Btw, how can they measure other cars with GPS????)
He says that they ran a very strange test program and that Merc could not make any sense about their program and what they were doing.

AMuS thinks that Ferrari could not use constantly the 160 HP of the MGU-K, but usually used 120 HP. All in all they speculate that Ferrari gave away 1.5s because of the conservative engine settings (I assume they mean 1.5s during long runs).
Also, rumours are that Ferrari should be marginal with consumption. It seems now confirmed that Ferrari uses the MGU-K to blip the engine at downshifting.
An Expert: "You do that when you have consumption problems".
Mercedes thinks that this is a waste of electrical energy which could be brought to better use.
Toyota disagrees, they have investigated this for their LMP1 (Le Mans) program and say that doing it electrically has no negative effects and is the best way for the gearbox.

The theory that Ferrari is sandbagging is backed up by following:
- Andy Green of Force India is sure they are sandbagging
- Example Top Speed: In the last day, Alonso reached 339,6 km/h, way faster than the competition. The associated lap was rather slow, 1:35.509, 1.2s slower than his best 1:34.280
- Same story 2 days before: Alonso 338,5 km/h, with an associated lap of 1:40.634.
- And the same the other way around: In his absolute top lap Alonso reached only 308,5 km/h, over 30 km/h slower than what was possible. The Sector times in his fastest lap were not recorded, Ferrari mentioned transponder problems.
- No other team had so many empty data points in the sector time detection. And this in every testing day. Only at the start-finish line and at top speed measurements Ferrari could not hide anything, as this is not only measured with the transponder but also by other means. There are no empty data points with those measurements.
- Adding the best sector times of Alonso, measured officially by Ferrari, the quickest lap would be 1:35.559, 1,279 sec slower than his best lap, which is a "guaranteed" time.
- Domenicali, Alonso and Räikönnen are surprisingly calm. Normally, with one second gap, the roof would already burn at Ferrari. Also, in that interwiev when Domenicali admitted that they were behind Merc and Williams, after all microphones had been switched off, he added that the gap isn't that big and that they can close it.

There are some unclear things in this report, though, but Ferrari clearly is an enigma.

En el 34.2 hizo 308 km/h!!! Vamos... la confirmación de las confirmaciones. No se hasta que punto, per vamos... y ojo al post que acabo de poner.

El S2 de Massa y su 33.2 (EL REVIRADO) fue más LENTO que el de Fer en su 34.2...vuelta en la que hizo mucho peores S1 y S3... pero con 30 km/h MENOS que en una vuelta que hizo 1.35...

Blanco y en botella. El F14-T está mucho más cerca de sus rivales de lo que parece... y si el consumo es el mayor problema pero no demasiado, a Fernando me encomiendo.
Votado, agradeciendo colaboraciones de antemano.
Eso sí.... Cuidadín con que se cuele algún "infiltrao" con la excusa de la colaborción Wink

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