Mensajes: 3,452
Temas: 2
Registro en: Oct 2010
ESE artículo de Muramasa es oro puro.
Nadie puede volver atrás y empezar de nuevo, pero cualquiera puede empezar HOY y crear un nuevo final.
Mensajes: 2,012
Temas: 63
Registro en: Nov 2012
(09-07-2016, 10:49)FastFAD escribió: Sé que quedan los libres 3 aún, pero también que sólo quedan 3 horas para apostar. Ánimo!
Mensajes: 14,913
Temas: 4
Registro en: Sep 2010
Se agradecería un quickly translator, del English-F1technical al Español pa dumis corrientes...
Que si, que la gasofa nueva es la milk (que así sea xd)
Lo que sea pero que no se rompa el cochito....
Mensajes: 663
Temas: 0
Registro en: Oct 2010
(09-07-2016, 10:45)ethernet escribió: Post de Muramasa en Autosport. Sin tiempo para nada, así que lo desmenuce otro, pero es muy interesante, y de ayer:
article on silverstone upgrade that came out just few hours ago, i'm posting this quickly now, might post again for summary with corrected/optimised nuance and added info if there are any
all dotted parts and underlined quotation mark parts (" ") are Nakamura quote
we improved intake system and increased combustion efficiency (by using 2 tokens)
Up till now, there were some areas in inlet system where airflow was not so good. Therefore we modified its layout in order to be able to send more air into the combustion chamber. Of course power has increased.
Nakamura did not tell us about how many ps/hp has been gained (seems press asked for horse power figure but Nakamura refused to give number, rightly so), but explained that the increase in output is "to the extent that drivers can actually feel". Besides, this time's upgrade is "merely the first step of the significant upgrade".
We have 10 tokens remaining, so for the next phase, we'd like to modify combustion chamber/system itself to achieve further output increase. in order for that, we are assessing and selecting which solution/path/combination is the most effective/efficient possible by conducting variety of dyno testings/evaluations/comparisons at the very moment.
It would be ideal if we can introduce all of the upgrades at once at next update, but there is possibility that some will slip through / not make it in time / etc. So, most likely it will be 3 phased upgrade including this time's upgrade.
in some reports, Hasegawa's quote of "if the upgrade goes well, half a second / lap gain can be expected" has been introduced/written. But Nakamura says "that must be some sort of misunderstanding".
For example if it's Monza and Spa, those tracks are highly power sensitive so 0.5sec/lap gain might not be impossible. But it's absolutely impossible at tracks like Hungary. How many ps we have to gain in order for that, i wonder. If such thing is possible, we would be able to dominate (laughs).
Exxon Mobil is developing special fuel accommodated for the upgrade, and if things go well, the new fuel is expected to be introduced at Spa (info in the article*)
* might be too obvious already for long time but just remind again: "info in the article" refers to any info that is NOT of official quote (as in the manner of " " (in japanese it's 「 」), according to xxx, ____ , or xxx explains/says ____, etc) , but what can be considered detailed and decent enough that's at least worth mentioning/referring and being passed on.
Edited by muramasa, Yesterday, 17:38.
gracias Ethernet!
si los tokens que usaron son para mejorar la entrada de aire (dice que el flujo de aire no era tan bueno y que pueden enviar más aire a la cámara de combustión, dando más potencia), pienso yo que eso significaría tambien una reducción de consumo de combustible, no?
Mensajes: 14,913
Temas: 4
Registro en: Sep 2010
Hoy no nos toca salir a paseo?
#LetItGo (Boullier)
Mensajes: 14,913
Temas: 4
Registro en: Sep 2010
opssss si que estaban
Me callo... (g. m.)
Mensajes: 18,448
Temas: 7
Registro en: May 2012
(09-07-2016, 11:17)ralphy escribió: (09-07-2016, 10:45)ethernet escribió: Post de Muramasa en Autosport. Sin tiempo para nada, así que lo desmenuce otro, pero es muy interesante, y de ayer:
article on silverstone upgrade that came out just few hours ago, i'm posting this quickly now, might post again for summary with corrected/optimised nuance and added info if there are any
all dotted parts and underlined quotation mark parts (" ") are Nakamura quote
we improved intake system and increased combustion efficiency (by using 2 tokens)
Up till now, there were some areas in inlet system where airflow was not so good. Therefore we modified its layout in order to be able to send more air into the combustion chamber. Of course power has increased.
Nakamura did not tell us about how many ps/hp has been gained (seems press asked for horse power figure but Nakamura refused to give number, rightly so), but explained that the increase in output is "to the extent that drivers can actually feel". Besides, this time's upgrade is "merely the first step of the significant upgrade".
We have 10 tokens remaining, so for the next phase, we'd like to modify combustion chamber/system itself to achieve further output increase. in order for that, we are assessing and selecting which solution/path/combination is the most effective/efficient possible by conducting variety of dyno testings/evaluations/comparisons at the very moment.
It would be ideal if we can introduce all of the upgrades at once at next update, but there is possibility that some will slip through / not make it in time / etc. So, most likely it will be 3 phased upgrade including this time's upgrade.
in some reports, Hasegawa's quote of "if the upgrade goes well, half a second / lap gain can be expected" has been introduced/written. But Nakamura says "that must be some sort of misunderstanding".
For example if it's Monza and Spa, those tracks are highly power sensitive so 0.5sec/lap gain might not be impossible. But it's absolutely impossible at tracks like Hungary. How many ps we have to gain in order for that, i wonder. If such thing is possible, we would be able to dominate (laughs).
Exxon Mobil is developing special fuel accommodated for the upgrade, and if things go well, the new fuel is expected to be introduced at Spa (info in the article*)
* might be too obvious already for long time but just remind again: "info in the article" refers to any info that is NOT of official quote (as in the manner of " " (in japanese it's 「 」), according to xxx, ____ , or xxx explains/says ____, etc) , but what can be considered detailed and decent enough that's at least worth mentioning/referring and being passed on.
Edited by muramasa, Yesterday, 17:38.
gracias Ethernet!
si los tokens que usaron son para mejorar la entrada de aire (dice que el flujo de aire no era tan bueno y que pueden enviar más aire a la cámara de combustión, dando más potencia), pienso yo que eso significaría tambien una reducción de consumo de combustible, no? Exacto, nos debería venir bien, efectivamente el objetivo principal era la eficiencia!
Muy interesante, gracias por la información ethernet. La primera de las evos de ExxonMobil llegará en Spa, lo esperado. La duda es cuando llegará la evolución del ICE.
Por cierto, en su primer tiempo cronometrado nano P5 a 1 décima de Vettel (P3) en FP3. Todos a un mundo de Mercedes.
Enviado desde mi One Plus Two
Mensajes: 18,448
Temas: 7
Registro en: May 2012
McLaren rompió ayer el toque d queda q impide trabajar en el box durante la noche. Es el primero d 2016
Y según informa Albert Fabrega, les montaron un fondo nuevo durante la noche. Fer ha salido con parafina en el extremo del FW también.
Joder... No paran. Me encanta.
Enviado desde mi One Plus Two
Mensajes: 18,448
Temas: 7
Registro en: May 2012
Bandera roja Ericsson.
Red Bull está en otra liga también en este trazado, lo esperado. Ferrari un paso por detrás, con Williams y parece que nosotros algo detrás de estos últimos, veremos cuánto. Ese sería el Top 10.
Enviado desde mi One Plus Two
Mensajes: 8,898
Temas: 0
Registro en: Mar 2012
Buenos dias
Bandera roja en los libres 3
Erickson destrozó el Sauber contra el muro... el piloto está bien