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De un tal Owen del foro de autosport. Le tocó una entrada para visitar Woking. Pone fotos y todo el rollo... 100% fiable :

I'm back. Having been lucky enough to go MTC and chat with the team, I'll share my thoughts below. Something like 25 people got an invite, some had travelled from Spain to experience it. I will endeavour not to stray too far from the topic - which is the MP4-32. 
I had an incredible day. We got a tour of the MTC including the (new) SAP mission control simulator which features a huge holographic display with motion control - not kidding! - think Minority Report... We got to drive on a demo F1 simulator which looked great. And finally we got to meet Stoffel Vandoorne and get photographs with him. He sat in the sim and immediately beat our best time by over 8 seconds(!). Our host was Matt Bishop - a lovely guy who put us at our ease. He was very complimentary about the role fans play in keeping the team spirits up. We met with Zak who hosted a Q&A just with us, I was the nearest to him! He's such a passionate guy - his influence is very different to Ron's but now very visible. The way he says 'Proast' is very special. The place feels different. We kept on seeing Zak, Eric and Stoffel in the corridors as we went around the place. Zak does things quite differently to Ron and can often been seen taking calls while wondering around and doing business. Ron (in his day) was often at his desk, from what I can gather. So I think a quiet culture change has manifested itself.
Regarding expectations; I think it's more progress they are looking for. Nobody had anything but praise for Honda - they reckon a stride has been made over the winter by Honda and they also acknowledged they had room for improvement on the chassis. Podiums seem to be the goal but nobody said that. Stoffel was very focused and quite intense at times. He looks extremely trim - zero fat on him! He talked very well but you could tell he was media trained. I was impressed by him. We saw him at the gym and we saw him getting photographed with the new team kit on (we weren't meant to see either of those lol). We saw the new caps for next year. Some of us even saw the new car - just a tub for now. There is nothing to see of it guys. I was lucky enough to meet with some of the aero team who gave me a signed picture - I was very honoured. They said the car will not be completed until the final hours before the launch and all the parts are being manufactured so there is no 'car' to see as such yet. They sounded reasonably confident but they are worried by Newey - they always are. All key employees have seen x2 renders of the new livery. And it is new. Is it Orange? I don't know. I suspect it has orange in it, as the team wear appeared to. Saw Fernando's media person (Sylvia) but not him, he's currently training far away. Absolute 100% conviction from the team that they will be back at the top. You got that across the board. Pics of the day are on my facebook. Here's a couple. Massive thanks to McLaren for this day. Was unforgettable. 

Todos esperan estar arriba, en el podium, pero nadie lo dice. 

El Brown debe ser un telepredicador, pero de los buenos,.... Creo que va a ser un gran activo para este proyecto. 
Esto solamente lo levanta el calvo .....Pero ya está en nuestro barco.
(19-01-2017, 23:18)ethernet escribió: De un tal Owen del foro de autosport. Le tocó una entrada para visitar Woking. Pone fotos y todo el rollo... 100% fiable :

I'm back. Having been lucky enough to go MTC and chat with the team, I'll share my thoughts below. Something like 25 people got an invite, some had travelled from Spain to experience it. I will endeavour not to stray too far from the topic - which is the MP4-32. 
I had an incredible day. We got a tour of the MTC including the (new) SAP mission control simulator which features a huge holographic display with motion control - not kidding! - think Minority Report... We got to drive on a demo F1 simulator which looked great. And finally we got to meet Stoffel Vandoorne and get photographs with him. He sat in the sim and immediately beat our best time by over 8 seconds(!). Our host was Matt Bishop - a lovely guy who put us at our ease. He was very complimentary about the role fans play in keeping the team spirits up. We met with Zak who hosted a Q&A just with us, I was the nearest to him! He's such a passionate guy - his influence is very different to Ron's but now very visible. The way he says 'Proast' is very special. The place feels different. We kept on seeing Zak, Eric and Stoffel in the corridors as we went around the place. Zak does things quite differently to Ron and can often been seen taking calls while wondering around and doing business. Ron (in his day) was often at his desk, from what I can gather. So I think a quiet culture change has manifested itself.
Regarding expectations; I think it's more progress they are looking for. Nobody had anything but praise for Honda - they reckon a stride has been made over the winter by Honda and they also acknowledged they had room for improvement on the chassis. Podiums seem to be the goal but nobody said that. Stoffel was very focused and quite intense at times. He looks extremely trim - zero fat on him! He talked very well but you could tell he was media trained. I was impressed by him. We saw him at the gym and we saw him getting photographed with the new team kit on (we weren't meant to see either of those lol). We saw the new caps for next year. Some of us even saw the new car - just a tub for now. There is nothing to see of it guys. I was lucky enough to meet with some of the aero team who gave me a signed picture - I was very honoured. They said the car will not be completed until the final hours before the launch and all the parts are being manufactured so there is no 'car' to see as such yet. They sounded reasonably confident but they are worried by Newey - they always are. All key employees have seen x2 renders of the new livery. And it is new. Is it Orange? I don't know. I suspect it has orange in it, as the team wear appeared to. Saw Fernando's media person (Sylvia) but not him, he's currently training far away. Absolute 100% conviction from the team that they will be back at the top. You got that across the board. Pics of the day are on my facebook. Here's a couple. Massive thanks to McLaren for this day. Was unforgettable. 

Todos esperan estar arriba, en el podium, pero nadie lo dice. 

El Brown debe ser un telepredicador, pero de los buenos,.... Creo que va a ser un gran activo para este proyecto. 

Claro, este tío es @f1mclarenfan, y es un tío de putha madre.

Mola todo lo que cuenta, además he visto las fotos y se lo tuvieron que pasar genial. Me quedo con lo de que hay un claro mensaje en el ambiente de que esperan estar arriba pero que nadie quiere decirlo y con lo de que le tienen miedo a Newey.

Gracias ethernet.
Por fin noticias alentadoras!

Suena bastante bien todo lo que cuenta. Parece que respecto al tiempo, va a ser una contrarreloj, esperemos que este listo todo para los test, que eso puede ser vital.

Y a ver esos colores finales del coche!

Ojalá veamos a Fer arriba desde el principio. Molaría y mucho.


"Cuando era niño, soñaba con coches, con olor a gasolina, con viento en la cara, trofeos."
¤ Fernando Alonso ¤

Según AMuS, Red Bull ayer buscó apoyo en grupo de estrategia para prohibir el capó motor con final en aleta (y aletas de tiburón) sin éxito.
[Imagen: %24_35.JPG?set_id=880000500F]

2008 Honda F1 RA108 ‘Shark Fin’ Engine Cover - Jenson Button - R. Barrichello
otro modelito ,,

[Imagen: C2ZSEb6WgAA2Meg.jpg]
@TheBestF1es 6 hil y a 6 heures
.@HondaRacingF1 tendrá su 'botón mágico' para clasificación esta temporada -
(20-01-2017, 00:34)enrike hu fr escribió: @TheBestF1es 6 hil y a 6 heures
.@HondaRacingF1 tendrá su 'botón mágico' para clasificación esta temporada -

Yo cuando he leído ese artículo, me ha dado la sensación de que el periodista se lo saca de la manga. Porque está todo el rato haciendo referencia a declaraciones de Hasewaga y entrecomilladas y de repente se saca y Honda tendrá su 'botón mágico'.

Pero vamos, que ojalá sea así, que yo creo que si, tiempo han tendido de desarrollarlo.
(20-01-2017, 01:12)joaquinhrndz escribió:
(20-01-2017, 00:34)enrike hu fr escribió: @TheBestF1es  6 hil y a 6 heures
.@HondaRacingF1 tendrá su 'botón mágico' para clasificación esta temporada -

Yo cuando he leído ese artículo, me ha dado la sensación de que el periodista se lo saca de la manga. Porque está todo el rato haciendo referencia a declaraciones de Hasewaga y entrecomilladas y de repente se saca y Honda tendrá su 'botón mágico'.

Pero vamos, que ojalá sea así, que yo creo que si, tiempo han tendido de desarrollarlo.

a mi tambien me lo ha parecido ,,era para continuar el tiron de positivismo razonado ,,,   Wink
(20-01-2017, 00:07)payoloco escribió: Por fin noticias alentadoras!

Suena bastante bien todo lo que cuenta. Parece que respecto al tiempo, va a ser una contrarreloj, esperemos que este listo todo para los test, que eso puede ser vital.

Y a ver esos colores finales del coche!

Ojalá veamos a Fer arriba desde el principio. Molaría y mucho.

Yo con ver a Payo así de positivo me vale, no quiero más noticias ni más nada, solo quiero ver así a Payo Big Grin

Gracias por las noticias que habéis puesto en las últimas páginas.
Esperemos que el gran ambiente que parece que se vive en McLaren desde la llegada de Zak Brown se vea reflejado en la pista que es donde se tiene que ver.
"Yo sigo pensando que el mejor piloto, el más completo, el único del que se esperan cosas que de los demás jamás se pensaría es Alonso." - Emerson Fittipaldi.

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