17-03-2015, 16:40
(17-03-2015, 16:37)enrike hu fr escribió:No te olvides el notebook...(17-03-2015, 16:34)susa escribió:(17-03-2015, 16:31)enrike hu fr escribió: Nico Rosberg @nico_rosberg · 5 h il y a 5 heures
Dear Seb, this is the official invitation to join our debrief Friday 16.00 at Sepang. See you there, don't forget your notebook!
Que bueno...
Nico Rosberg
[/url] · [url=https://twitter.com/nico_rosberg/status/577771173192343552]5 hil y a 5 heures
[ltr]i spoke to Toto and Paddy about an invitation for Sebastian and they are easy with it.[/ltr]
[ltr]aqui va a ver cachondeo ,,,[/ltr]