19-05-2016, 17:45
(19-05-2016, 15:59)maripi escribió: Honda boss Yusuke Hasegawa has cooled down rumours that they are set for a major engine upgrade ahead of the Canadian Grand Prix in June.No se, para mi cada vez que habla este tío me deja la misma sensación: que NO SABEN ni cuando ni cómo.
While it is expected that they will introduce their upgrade in Montreal, Hasegawa insisted that they will not rush the process and that they will only use it once it is ready.
Hasegawa also added that they are still trying to figure out the best way to use their engine tokens as they only have 14 left.
“It doesn’t necessarily have to be Canada,” he told Spanish publication Marca. “We do not know when we will use the tokens.
“We are developing all the time and if we didn’t need to worry about the tokens we would be prepared for this upgrade.
“But at the moment we have not finalised the (token) plan yet.”
Porque cuando uno sabe cómo, entonces sabes cuánto, y si sabes cuánto, al final sabes cuándo.
En fin. Mierdha de Honda de los cojones.
"Cuando era niño, soñaba con coches, con olor a gasolina, con viento en la cara, trofeos."
¤ Fernando Alonso ¤