21-08-2016, 12:46
Pregunta hecha a Hasegawa en el GP de Hungría, parte de un post de Muramasa de Autosport......
Japanese GP is getting closer and I cannot help holding high hopes for Suzuka. To put it straightforward, can you expect further performance gain until Suzuka? Also please let us know your objectives for Suzuka
"As I've been telling always, we are conducting development all the time. We'd like to introduce next update before Suzuka. However when it will be hasnt been decided yet. In that sense, we are planning to improve the performance towards Suzuka.
Así que esperando 30 CV para Spa, pero sabiendo que a lo mejor no hay nada de nada
Japanese GP is getting closer and I cannot help holding high hopes for Suzuka. To put it straightforward, can you expect further performance gain until Suzuka? Also please let us know your objectives for Suzuka
"As I've been telling always, we are conducting development all the time. We'd like to introduce next update before Suzuka. However when it will be hasnt been decided yet. In that sense, we are planning to improve the performance towards Suzuka.
Así que esperando 30 CV para Spa, pero sabiendo que a lo mejor no hay nada de nada

Esto solamente lo levanta el calvo .....Pero ya está en nuestro barco.