20-06-2023, 00:12
(Este mensaje fue modificado por última vez en: 20-06-2023, 00:14 por German Sanchez.)
AMuS reports that the data out of the wind tunnel and the simulator are so good, that some of the team of Aston Martin are thinking that the car is able to drive at the level of RB.
ALO: We will be able to optimize the package in and “
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AMuS reports that the data out of the wind tunnel and the simulator are so good, that some of the team of Aston Martin are thinking that the car is able to drive at the level of RB.
ALO: We will be able to optimize the package in and “
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Sent from my SM-N981B using Tapatalk
Siempre con Fernando, año tras año.
Un imbécil que lee mucho no reduce un ápice su imbecilidad. Si acaso, se convierte en un imbécil leído.