23-10-2023, 20:22
Gap to VER!
?Stroll's pace was VERY competitive: as quick as Leclerc in his 2nd stint despite pitting 3 laps earlier. He recovered over Verstappen in his last stint! Promising
LEC was losing massively once others pitted
VER managed his gap to HAM perfectly
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Gap to VER!
?Stroll's pace was VERY competitive: as quick as Leclerc in his 2nd stint despite pitting 3 laps earlier. He recovered over Verstappen in his last stint! Promising
LEC was losing massively once others pitted
VER managed his gap to HAM perfectly
Sent from my SM-N981B using Tapatalk
Siempre con Fernando, año tras año.
Un imbécil que lee mucho no reduce un ápice su imbecilidad. Si acaso, se convierte en un imbécil leído.