Mensajes: 2,012
Temas: 63
Registro en: Nov 2012
La verdad es que estáis finísimos últimamente con los posts: calidad, tecnicismos, optimismo,.... Para un "no entendido" como yo algunos posts de estos como los de JCastle, ethernet, DZT, Josemurcia, payoloco y tantos otros son auténticas "master class". Si sé algo de motores, chasis o aerodinámica lo he aprendido aquí, en este bendito foro.
Eso sí, yo no traía conocimientos técnicos como he dicho, pero el optimismo me viene de serie y lo derrocho a raudales. Nos vamos a divertir este año.
Mensajes: 9,589
Temas: 0
Registro en: Sep 2015
(11-03-2016, 12:02)ethernet escribió: Entrevistas traducidas por Muramasa de Hasegawa:
Day 1
- (on the coolant issue that occured on day 4 of last week's testing where they only managed 3 laps) We havent yet fully identified the exact cause of water leak last weekend, but we consider it's highly probable that vacuuming (air removal/extract/exhausting or whatever is called in the chamber) was not enough so some air remained inside it, which incurred damage to the sealing. Therefore, while we brought the same spec as last test, this time we made sure to pay extra care to conduct air extraction.
- (on the stoppage just before lunch) Some trouble happened to control software so we sent out an order to stop the car to the driver from the pit.
- Of course the position in timesheet is encouraging, but we still dont know where we are. To be honest we wanted to run more today (day 1). With today's lap count (of 92 laps), we would only reach 2000km with 4-days total, so we want to run a lot more before the opening race.
Day 2
- Today the driver wasnt satisfied with car. The chassis setting was out of shape so driver couldnt press throttle with confidence. It's testing so I dont think it's relevant to talk about car performance at this point, but we are disappointed at least with the fact that driver wasnt satisfied with today's car feeling.
- we made various data tuning works towards the opening race today as well, and I reckon we are reaching the final stage.
- We cant feel relieved with 121 laps today because one of rivals made almost 150laps. But at least we could confirm we made progress from last year.
Day 3
- When the chassis condition is not so good, even if we conduct evaluation on PU it's impossible to get precise feedback/evaluation. So we'd like to wait a bit on that.
- However with current situation, impression is that it's getting difficult to achieve the initial target of reaching Q3 constantly.
- We homologated PU on 28 Feb. So, it is ok to consider it very positive that the PU of homologated spec has been running without trouble so far since 1st March, I reckon.
Day 4
- The last 4 days I think we could prove reliability by being able to run properly
- It was crucial that we could prove it to the team and the drivers that Honda has improved PU not just by words but also by presenting it as tangible form.
- That I could find out that the members who developed this power unit are reliable enough, I'm frankly pleased about it. From now we go back to Sakura and want to proceed the task together by discussing with everyone
Hasegawa interview conducted after finishing all the winter testing
(presumably at the end of Day 4 (of 2nd session) joint interview. some quotes are same as "day 4 quotes". Actually some are same as day 3's etc but article claims this interview is post 2nd session anyway. often you get asked same question and say same things, so shud be fine.)
----------------- how do you summarize/describe the testing sessions?
- I'm pleased frankly. Regarding power unit, it ran through the final 4 days properly. We still couldnt reach to the targeted mileage, but as long as the 2nd testing session is concerned, we could prove reliability I think.
---------------- how are you going to conduct verification for the mileage you missed to cover?
- We have already conducted reliability checks of power unit alone. But various unexpected troubles can occur when put on the actual car environment, so you have to run it on track to see what will actually happen, so we wanted to run as much as possible at the test. From now on, we will bring back this PU to Sakura and verify it again by running it on dyno simulating the condition in which the PU was run during testings.
-------------------- is it ok to consider that this PU is final spec for opening race?
- we already homologated on 28 Feb. This PU that's been running since 1st March is the same spec as that. Therefore we consider it positive that it went through the final 4 days without trouble.
-------------------------- are there anything you wanted to do more for Melbourne?
- The task on pu side at the final testing was to confirm reliability by actual on track running, and make final data setting for the race.
- Regarding reliability, we will continue conducting validation at Sakura as I just told.
- Regarding data setting, actually we wanted to make more adjustment for the opening race, but we discussed with the team and decided to not make the PU adjustment but prioritize and use track time for chassis setup instead, so we have some things unfinished.
---------------------- At the 1st session, you had an feedback that deployment has been improved. How do drivers evaluate other aspects of PU?
- For 2nd session, wind was strong plus we fell into a situation where chassis setup couldnt be settled, so it was difficult condition. In such situation, it's impossible to get proper evaluation/feedback on PU even if you want to, so we'd like to wait a bit about that.
- Still, drivers have understood that power output incl. deployment has increased on data. However laptimes arent good, and I guess drivers always want more power.
--------------------------- the delay in chassis setup is concern.
- In this time's testing, we are gathering data for various aero parts, so we havent reached the stage where we refine/mature setting yet. Therefore, Eric is saying "not worried yet" as well about not being able to make proper setting. Most likely we are set to introduce more new aero parts, and OZ package should be different from the package of this testing, so it's no use to strike precise setting at this testing.
---------------------------- any concern?
- to be honest, impression is that it's getting difficult to achieve the initial target of reaching Q3 constantly with this testing form. However, we could obtain a lot of useful data such as aero change/transformation and tyre degradation. McLaren is competitive team, so I'm sure they'll make good preparation taking good advantage of the data.
------------------------ For project leader Hasegawa-san, this testing was your first job as the project leader.
- Grasping the situation of team operation, how to progress it and technical matters was my important task for this time, so I could deepen my understanding about these quite a bit. For example, the power unit we run here has been developed by technicians at Sakura before I was appointed as this position, and I havent been involved with it at all. But I'm pleased to be able to find out that the direction we've been taking wasnt wrong and the staff are trustable enough. Now I'd like to go back to Sakura and proceed the task by discussing with everyone.
-------------------- could you tell us about the objective for this season
- Reaching Q3 constantly. That equals that you are in a position to be able to fight for points always. For a starter we have to target there. It's no way to say "we'll do our best for 14th". Of course, looking at timesheets at testing alone, I'm aware that it's not easy thing to achieve, but this machine has that much potential, also McLaren have excellent staffs who are capable of extracting performance to that level, so I believe they will do it.
--------------------------- what is the objective for Honda as power unit supplier?
- Of course want to beat the champion Mercedes. There is no point to participate in F1 as Honda unless you aim at that. After all, the target is to supply No.1 power unit, engine. However, it's not a realistic target that can be achieved immediately, but the target as an engineer. So, I do not intend to declare when we will surpass them.
another Hasegawa interview, seems at the end of day 4
-------------------------- how much are you satisfied with the preparation for opening race?
- Regarding power unit, at least we could confirm reliability. It's crucial that it didnt hamper chassis development. Regarding chassis, looks like there is still quite a ways to go about setting, but mclaren is capable team, so i think we could gather enough data for updates and setup towards Melbourne
----------------------- who do you think will be rivals?
- All of them (laughs). Still all teams are rivals. Of course we are aiming for the top so we want to be rivals of upper teams as well.
----------------- what is your objective as individual?
- For now I cannot think of anything else than this job, so I want to grow up myself to be able to contribute to the team.....oh and I want to make my English better (laughs)
------------------------ as far as I see press conference etc, I think you are quite good
- not at all, I want to be able to speak in a way that British people wouldnt think I'm stupid.
------------ what would you like Japanese fans to look at?
- I wish they look at how Honda fight/challenge and cheer us.
-------------------- Can we see McLaren Honda that's different from previously?
- The term "different" is not correct/appropriate I reckon. This year's car has been developed based on the experience gained during last year, so we have this year only thanks to last year. I'd like you to watch Honda that's "further advanced", not "different from before". I believe the degree of advancement is bigger than other teams.
Hasegawa quotes from testing summary article (so those quotes are from either of 8 days but seems mostly from 2nd session)
- We brought PU that's incorporated with the final spec of intake system. Thanks to that, we could run PU at full power quite stably, as well as progress data tuning quite a bit. There was no problem in hardware on power unit side. I find it positive in terms of trust with team as well as drivers that we could show Honda's progress and that it didnt hamper the testing on chassis side.
- Reliability first and foremost. No matter what the trouble is about, if you stop you dont have rights to participate in race.
- No point to be greedy too much, so we have to be content somewhat with the current situation in the sense that we go / take it step by step, but you can't help getting greedy gradually after all. Looking at today's performance, perhaps it's getting bit difficult to achieve our target of reaching Q3 constantly at least.
- It's difficult to talk about performance at this moment, but at least driver wasnt satisfied with car's feeling, so that is shame. The car was out of shape so much that drivers couldnt push / press throttle, so it's no use to ask for feedback on power unit to be honest. We were supposed to make more long runs, but looks like driver didnt like the car so came back to the pit early, so.
- We havent set good lap times yet, but mclaren is such capable team, so those data will be useful/helpful in the future i'm sure. The car that will run at melbourne will be of quite different spec, so we think we could gather enough data in order for optimizing it towards melbourne.
A mi lo que más me llama la atención es que ve un poco dificil lo de entrar en Q3 (estar entre los 8 primeros) de forma costante.
Menciona problemas del coche que no han dejado evaluar claramente la potencia de la PU, y que no han hecho vueltas rápidas ni simulaciones porque los pilotos no estaban a gusto con el coche.
La pelota ahora está en el tejado de los ingleses. Después de 2015, resulta que el chasis ha sido el factor limitante en estos tests de 2016.
Eso es genial, porque Mclaren es supercapaz de solucionar los problemas de la suspensión trasera y de aerodinámica en muy poco tiempo. Y tenemos un equipo técnico excelente en ese aspecto.
Es dificil decir si será para Australia o llevará unos GPs, pero si ahora están dudando si lo de los tests da para Q3, en poco tiempo estaremos ahí instalados, y para la evolución de Barcelona y cuando sea la de la PU en base a las ideas de Hasegawa (y el supuesto secreto de Mercedes que ya conocen), el coche va a darle a Fernando la posibilidad de luchar con Ferrari, y seguramente en algunos GPs de chasis y piloto, con Mercedes.
Yo sigo optimista, y creo que si la suerte nos acompaña por una vez, para Melbourne hay un coche para pelear de tu a tú con Red-Bull y Williams.
Yo no entiendo mucho.
Según Bolulier Mclaren está en plazos y con todo bien.
Ahora el pesactero cabrón mayorista no limpia pescado, que ellos están bien y el problema reside en el coche.
No han hecho tandas largas ni simulaciones porque los pilotos no se encontraban a gusto con el coche.
La entrega de potencia con esta PU es mejor, bueno esto lo puedo entender.
Pero haciendo un resumen, esto me huele algo parecido al año pasado, Mclaren la culpa de honda y Honda la culpa de Mclaren.
No sé espero terminar en buen puerto, pero no me gusta como va meando la perrita.
Mensajes: 2,012
Temas: 63
Registro en: Nov 2012
Por cierto, no me digáis que no es un "crack":
Pablo, ahora empiezo a entenderte
Mensajes: 59,951
Temas: 3
Registro en: Mar 2012
Formula 1 in 2016: Why it is a big year for... McLaren and Honda
Starting our series of features for the new season by considering why the sleeping giants of Formula 1 need to deliver proof that their switch to Honda was the right move sooner rather than later
Mensajes: 12,522
Temas: 5
Registro en: Oct 2010
(11-03-2016, 13:16)DE-ZETA-TE escribió: Bestial ethernet....
... voy a leerlo en cuanto tenga un ratín, y luego comento...
Tío, que ha sido copiar y pegar del foro de autosport.
Ni traducido ni nada......
Esto solamente lo levanta el calvo .....Pero ya está en nuestro barco.
Mensajes: 372
Temas: 0
Registro en: Feb 2015
(11-03-2016, 12:02)ethernet escribió: Entrevistas traducidas por Muramasa de Hasegawa:
Day 1
- (on the coolant issue that occured on day 4 of last week's testing where they only managed 3 laps) We havent yet fully identified the exact cause of water leak last weekend, but we consider it's highly probable that vacuuming (air removal/extract/exhausting or whatever is called in the chamber) was not enough so some air remained inside it, which incurred damage to the sealing. Therefore, while we brought the same spec as last test, this time we made sure to pay extra care to conduct air extraction.
-------------------------------- (on the stoppage just before lunch) Some trouble happened to control software so we sent out an order to stop the car to the driver from the pit.
- Of course the position in timesheet is encouraging, but we still dont know where we are. To be honest we wanted to run more today (day 1). With today's lap count (of 92 laps), we would only reach 2000km with 4-days total, so we want to run a lot more before the opening race.
Day 2 Today the driver wasnt satisfied with car. The chassis setting was out of shape so driver couldnt press throttle with confidence. It's testing so I dont think it's relevant to talk about car performance at this point, but we are disappointed at least with the fact that driver wasnt satisfied with today's car feeling.
- we made various data tuning works towards the opening race today as well, and I reckon we are reaching the final stage.
- We cant feel relieved with 121 laps today because one of rivals made almost 150laps. But at least we could confirm we made progress from last year.
Day 3 When the chassis condition is not so good, even if we conduct evaluation on PU it's impossible to get precise feedback/evaluation. So we'd like to wait a bit on that.
- However with current situation, impression is that it's getting difficult to achieve the initial target of reaching Q3 constantly.
- We homologated PU on 28 Feb. So, it is ok to consider it very positive that the PU of homologated spec has been running without trouble so far since 1st March, I reckon.
Day 4 The last 4 days I think we could prove reliability by being able to run properly
- It was crucial that we could prove it to the team and the drivers that Honda has improved PU not just by words but also by presenting it as tangible form.
- That I could find out that the members who developed this power unit are reliable enough, I'm frankly pleased about it. From now we go back to Sakura and want to proceed the task together by discussing with everyone
Hasegawa interview conducted after finishing all the winter testing
(presumably at the end of Day 4 (of 2nd session) joint interview. some quotes are same as "day 4 quotes". Actually some are same as day 3's etc but article claims this interview is post 2nd session anyway. often you get asked same question and say same things, so shud be fine.)
----------------- how do you summarize/describe the testing sessions?- I'm pleased frankly. Regarding power unit, it ran through the final 4 days properly. We still couldnt reach to the targeted mileage, but as long as the 2nd testing session is concerned, we could prove reliability I think.
---------------- how are you going to conduct verification for the mileage you missed to cover?- We have already conducted reliability checks of power unit alone. But various unexpected troubles can occur when put on the actual car environment, so you have to run it on track to see what will actually happen, so we wanted to run as much as possible at the test. From now on, we will bring back this PU to Sakura and verify it again by running it on dyno simulating the condition in which the PU was run during testings.
-------------------- is it ok to consider that this PU is final spec for opening race?- we already homologated on 28 Feb. This PU that's been running since 1st March is the same spec as that. Therefore we consider it positive that it went through the final 4 days without trouble.
-------------------------- are there anything you wanted to do more for Melbourne?- The task on pu side at the final testing was to confirm reliability by actual on track running, and make final data setting for the race.
- Regarding reliability, we will continue conducting validation at Sakura as I just told.
- Regarding data setting, actually we wanted to make more adjustment for the opening race, but we discussed with the team and decided to not make the PU adjustment but prioritize and use track time for chassis setup instead, so we have some things unfinished.
---------------------- At the 1st session, you had an feedback that deployment has been improved. How do drivers evaluate other aspects of PU?- For 2nd session, wind was strong plus we fell into a situation where chassis setup couldnt be settled, so it was difficult condition. In such situation, it's impossible to get proper evaluation/feedback on PU even if you want to, so we'd like to wait a bit about that.
- Still, drivers have understood that power output incl. deployment has increased on data. However laptimes arent good, and I guess drivers always want more power.
--------------------------- the delay in chassis setup is concern.- In this time's testing, we are gathering data for various aero parts, so we havent reached the stage where we refine/mature setting yet. Therefore, Eric is saying "not worried yet" as well about not being able to make proper setting. Most likely we are set to introduce more new aero parts, and OZ package should be different from the package of this testing, so it's no use to strike precise setting at this testing.
---------------------------- any concern?- to be honest, impression is that it's getting difficult to achieve the initial target of reaching Q3 constantly with this testing form. However, we could obtain a lot of useful data such as aero change/transformation and tyre degradation. McLaren is competitive team, so I'm sure they'll make good preparation taking good advantage of the data.
------------------------ For project leader Hasegawa-san, this testing was your first job as the project leader.- Grasping the situation of team operation, how to progress it and technical matters was my important task for this time, so I could deepen my understanding about these quite a bit. For example, the power unit we run here has been developed by technicians at Sakura before I was appointed as this position, and I havent been involved with it at all. But I'm pleased to be able to find out that the direction we've been taking wasnt wrong and the staff are trustable enough. Now I'd like to go back to Sakura and proceed the task by discussing with everyone.
-------------------- could you tell us about the objective for this season- Reaching Q3 constantly. That equals that you are in a position to be able to fight for points always. For a starter we have to target there. It's no way to say "we'll do our best for 14th". Of course, looking at timesheets at testing alone, I'm aware that it's not easy thing to achieve, but this machine has that much potential, also McLaren have excellent staffs who are capable of extracting performance to that level, so I believe they will do it.
--------------------------- what is the objective for Honda as power unit supplier?- Of course want to beat the champion Mercedes. There is no point to participate in F1 as Honda unless you aim at that. After all, the target is to supply No.1 power unit, engine. However, it's not a realistic target that can be achieved immediately, but the target as an engineer. So, I do not intend to declare when we will surpass them.
another Hasegawa interview, seems at the end of day 4
-------------------------- how much are you satisfied with the preparation for opening race?- Regarding power unit, at least we could confirm reliability. It's crucial that it didnt hamper chassis development. Regarding chassis, looks like there is still quite a ways to go about setting, but mclaren is capable team, so i think we could gather enough data for updates and setup towards Melbourne
----------------------- who do you think will be rivals?- All of them (laughs). Still all teams are rivals. Of course we are aiming for the top so we want to be rivals of upper teams as well.
----------------- what is your objective as individual?- For now I cannot think of anything else than this job, so I want to grow up myself to be able to contribute to the team.....oh and I want to make my English better (laughs)
------------------------ as far as I see press conference etc, I think you are quite good- not at all, I want to be able to speak in a way that British people wouldnt think I'm stupid.
------------ what would you like Japanese fans to look at?- I wish they look at how Honda fight/challenge and cheer us.
-------------------- Can we see McLaren Honda that's different from previously?- The term "different" is not correct/appropriate I reckon. This year's car has been developed based on the experience gained during last year, so we have this year only thanks to last year. I'd like you to watch Honda that's "further advanced", not "different from before". I believe the degree of advancement is bigger than other teams.
Hasegawa quotes from testing summary article (so those quotes are from either of 8 days but seems mostly from 2nd session)
- We brought PU that's incorporated with the final spec of intake system. Thanks to that, we could run PU at full power quite stably, as well as progress data tuning quite a bit. There was no problem in hardware on power unit side. I find it positive in terms of trust with team as well as drivers that we could show Honda's progress and that it didnt hamper the testing on chassis side.
- Reliability first and foremost. No matter what the trouble is about, if you stop you dont have rights to participate in race.
- No point to be greedy too much, so we have to be content somewhat with the current situation in the sense that we go / take it step by step, but you can't help getting greedy gradually after all. Looking at today's performance, perhaps it's getting bit difficult to achieve our target of reaching Q3 constantly at least.
- It's difficult to talk about performance at this moment, but at least driver wasnt satisfied with car's feeling, so that is shame. The car was out of shape so much that drivers couldnt push / press throttle, so it's no use to ask for feedback on power unit to be honest. We were supposed to make more long runs, but looks like driver didnt like the car so came back to the pit early, so.
- We havent set good lap times yet, but mclaren is such capable team, so those data will be useful/helpful in the future i'm sure. The car that will run at melbourne will be of quite different spec, so we think we could gather enough data in order for optimizing it towards melbourne.
A mi lo que más me llama la atención es que ve un poco dificil lo de entrar en Q3 (estar entre los 8 primeros) de forma costante.
Menciona problemas del coche que no han dejado evaluar claramente la potencia de la PU, y que no han hecho vueltas rápidas ni simulaciones porque los pilotos no estaban a gusto con el coche.
La pelota ahora está en el tejado de los ingleses. Después de 2015, resulta que el chasis ha sido el factor limitante en estos tests de 2016.
Eso es genial, porque Mclaren es supercapaz de solucionar los problemas de la suspensión trasera y de aerodinámica en muy poco tiempo. Y tenemos un equipo técnico excelente en ese aspecto.
Es dificil decir si será para Australia o llevará unos GPs, pero si ahora están dudando si lo de los tests da para Q3, en poco tiempo estaremos ahí instalados, y para la evolución de Barcelona y cuando sea la de la PU en base a las ideas de Hasegawa (y el supuesto secreto de Mercedes que ya conocen), el coche va a darle a Fernando la posibilidad de luchar con Ferrari, y seguramente en algunos GPs de chasis y piloto, con Mercedes.
Yo sigo optimista, y creo que si la suerte nos acompaña por una vez, para Melbourne hay un coche para pelear de tu a tú con Red-Bull y Williams. Gracias por esta información. Deseando ver ese renacer de Mclaren a lo que se veía hace unos años cuando daban la sensación de estar perdidos en unos test y en una semana le daban la vuelta al calcetín como si tal cosa.
Enviado desde mi Aquaris E5 HD mediante Tapatalk
Mi mecánico de la rueda izquierda 'entiendo que te vayas, pero tienes que ganar, vete y demuestra qué puedes hacer'
Mensajes: 13,091
Temas: 29
Registro en: Mar 2011
11-03-2016, 14:38
(Este mensaje fue modificado por última vez en: 11-03-2016, 14:38 por German Sanchez.)
(11-03-2016, 14:03)FastFAD escribió: Por cierto, no me digáis que no es un "crack":
Pablo, ahora empiezo a entenderte 
Hola Fast, si pones la extension HTML en mayúsculas, algunos navegadores no lo interpretan bien y no encuantran la página. Si lo cambias a .html ya funciona el link correctamente.
![[Imagen: tiolavara.png]](
Siempre con Fernando, año tras año.
Un imbécil que lee mucho no reduce un ápice su imbecilidad. Si acaso, se convierte en un imbécil leído.
Mensajes: 2,012
Temas: 63
Registro en: Nov 2012
(11-03-2016, 14:38)German Sanchez escribió: (11-03-2016, 14:03)FastFAD escribió: Por cierto, no me digáis que no es un "crack":
Pablo, ahora empiezo a entenderte 
Hola Fast, si pones la extension HTML en mayúsculas, algunos navegadores no lo interpretan bien y no encuantran la página. Si lo cambias a .html ya funciona el link correctamente.
Gracias Germán! Lo tengo en cuenta para próximos links.
Mensajes: 10,760
Temas: 879
Registro en: Sep 2010
11-03-2016, 15:24
(Este mensaje fue modificado por última vez en: 11-03-2016, 15:25 por Topdriver.)
Y 1.065 páginas después...., Hilo nuevo!!
El del GP de Australia
Gracias Payo.
Twitter: @TopdriverSC
Mensajes: 35
Temas: 0
Registro en: Jul 2014
(11-03-2016, 15:24)Topdriver escribió: Y 1.065 páginas después...., Hilo nuevo!!
El del GP de Australia
Gracias Payo.
Muchas gracias de un lector vuestro, tanto genio por aquí, tanto maestro, muchas gracias, una semana para divertirnos en Australia con Alonso, Button y el Mclaren-Honda MP4-31, un saludo!
Let faith be your wings.