31-01-2022, 08:18
Buenos dias ,
cosas que no està claras , para los que no entendemos el inglés sin el gugel traduccion ,
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There are a whole bunch of tests but there isn't a side impact test. There are load tests and push off tests but no impact test.
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Hay un montón de pruebas, pero no hay una prueba de impacto lateral. Hay pruebas de carga y pruebas de empuje, pero no pruebas de impacto.
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Bryson Sullivan ??
30 ene.
None of the 2022 car concepts appear to feature strakes beneath the front wing. Will strakes be allowed this year under the new aero regulations? If so, what restrictions are there on shape/number? Rostro pensativo
Formula 1 y 4 más
Craig Scarborough
Definitely not allowed, they used to be listed as part of the front wing auxiliary parts. No mention of them this year.
Jon Startin
Is this the FIA ensuring air enters the ground effect system in a specific (even uniform) manner?
Craig Scarborough
It's more related to preventing outwash
Jon Startin
Was just reading a 2019 Motorsport article on the 2019 regs and how they were designed to make front wings less complex and alleviate the outwash effect Cara haciendo mueca
Craig Scarborough
Those rules were proposed by the same people as the 2022 rules. As the start of this process.
Selim Yasli
Hey Craig, Totally unrelated question; Any opinions on Mercedes and Red Bull crash test? I heard that they both failed.
Craig Scarborough
It's not unusual to resubmit a part for testing. There's often a conservative part submitted early and a more risky part that takes some effort to pass
The merc story is erroneous as there no side impact test! Rodando por el suelo de risa
Can you please explain as to what you mean by the last part. I figured there are side impact tests based on everything online and normal logic. But obviously you know better. So would like to understand. Thanks
Cllr Sam S Collins
There are a whole bunch of tests but there isn't a side impact test. There are load tests and push off tests but no impact test.
Martin Elliott
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y 7 más
Pity some reporters/translators don't bother to check the semantics/specifications of physical tests in the Tech Regs.
Static Load Tests
Dynamic Impact Tests
Dynamic Intrusion Tests.
IIRC. Note the plural to cover the full set for homologation.
Traducido del inglés al
Lástima que algunos reporteros/traductores no se molesten en verificar la semántica/especificaciones de las pruebas físicas en los Tech Regs.
Pruebas de carga estática
Ensayos de Impacto Dinámico
Pruebas de Intrusión Dinámica.
IIRC. Tenga en cuenta el plural para cubrir el conjunto completo para la homologación.
cosas que no està claras , para los que no entendemos el inglés sin el gugel traduccion ,

Respondiendo a
y 6 más
There are a whole bunch of tests but there isn't a side impact test. There are load tests and push off tests but no impact test.
Traducido del inglés al
Hay un montón de pruebas, pero no hay una prueba de impacto lateral. Hay pruebas de carga y pruebas de empuje, pero no pruebas de impacto.
Ver Tweets nuevos
Bryson Sullivan ??
30 ene.
None of the 2022 car concepts appear to feature strakes beneath the front wing. Will strakes be allowed this year under the new aero regulations? If so, what restrictions are there on shape/number? Rostro pensativo
Formula 1 y 4 más
Craig Scarborough
Definitely not allowed, they used to be listed as part of the front wing auxiliary parts. No mention of them this year.
Jon Startin
Is this the FIA ensuring air enters the ground effect system in a specific (even uniform) manner?
Craig Scarborough
It's more related to preventing outwash
Jon Startin
Was just reading a 2019 Motorsport article on the 2019 regs and how they were designed to make front wings less complex and alleviate the outwash effect Cara haciendo mueca
Craig Scarborough
Those rules were proposed by the same people as the 2022 rules. As the start of this process.
Selim Yasli
Hey Craig, Totally unrelated question; Any opinions on Mercedes and Red Bull crash test? I heard that they both failed.
Craig Scarborough
It's not unusual to resubmit a part for testing. There's often a conservative part submitted early and a more risky part that takes some effort to pass
The merc story is erroneous as there no side impact test! Rodando por el suelo de risa
Can you please explain as to what you mean by the last part. I figured there are side impact tests based on everything online and normal logic. But obviously you know better. So would like to understand. Thanks
Cllr Sam S Collins
There are a whole bunch of tests but there isn't a side impact test. There are load tests and push off tests but no impact test.
Martin Elliott
Respondiendo a
y 7 más
Pity some reporters/translators don't bother to check the semantics/specifications of physical tests in the Tech Regs.
Static Load Tests
Dynamic Impact Tests
Dynamic Intrusion Tests.
IIRC. Note the plural to cover the full set for homologation.
Traducido del inglés al
Lástima que algunos reporteros/traductores no se molesten en verificar la semántica/especificaciones de las pruebas físicas en los Tech Regs.
Pruebas de carga estática
Ensayos de Impacto Dinámico
Pruebas de Intrusión Dinámica.
IIRC. Tenga en cuenta el plural para cubrir el conjunto completo para la homologación.
Fernando estàpilotarà un coche diseñado por Newey