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Registro en: May 2012
El nuevo Red Bull en pista. Fino fino.
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Mensajes: 18,448
Temas: 7
Registro en: May 2012
(17-02-2022, 22:22)Enrike red escribió: An all-new engine for 2022
Rossi said the changes at Alpine were aimed at bringing the team up to a level where it could compete at the front.
Part of that plan is the decision to design an entirely new engine to power drivers Fernando Alonso and Esteban Ocon this season.
The new power-unit follows the philosophy set by Mercedes at the start of the turbo-hybrid era in 2014, and since followed by Honda. It splits the turbo and compressor, two parts that in a conventional design sit next to each other, by putting the compressor at the front of the engine and the turbo at the back.
"The engine has been redesigned entirely," Rossi said. "The split turbo is one element. We will [also] make it more compact, which enables us to move it closer to the driver and therefore the centre of gravity of the car.
"It's lighter. It's capable of operating in a much wider range of conditions, temperature and pressure.
"So it's really like a game-changer for us and it's going to, I hope, enable us to catch up and close the gap to the front of the queue [on engine performance]."
The split-turbo design is difficult to achieve because it requires a long connecting rod between the turbo and compressor that runs across the top of the engine and spins at up to 125,000rpm.
Former Alpine non-executive chairman Alain Prost said when he split with the team last month that the engine was having reliability problems on the test bed.
Rossi said the failures were caused by his asking the engine department to push as hard as possible for maximum performance. He said the design was now running reliably in time for the start of pre-season testing next week.
Rossi said: "I told the team: 'You push the envelope far. I don't care. I'd rather have to dial down the performance, but know that I've reached a peak of the performance I can get and then be reliable, than just feel comfortable with a reliable engine that was not delivering the performance.' Which, by the way, was the approach of the past.
"The good news is we've been doing thousands of kilometres with this new power-unit in the last few weeks, and it went just fine.
"So knock on wood it seems we have fixed that." Wow. Qué bueno. Espero que no entre en el club de la chimenea. Hasta ahora no es candidato.
Enviado desde mi ONEPLUS A5000 mediante Tapatalk
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Temas: 1
Registro en: Feb 2013
(17-02-2022, 23:20)Josemurcia7 escribió: (17-02-2022, 22:22)Enrike red escribió: An all-new engine for 2022
Rossi said the changes at Alpine were aimed at bringing the team up to a level where it could compete at the front.
Part of that plan is the decision to design an entirely new engine to power drivers Fernando Alonso and Esteban Ocon this season.
The new power-unit follows the philosophy set by Mercedes at the start of the turbo-hybrid era in 2014, and since followed by Honda. It splits the turbo and compressor, two parts that in a conventional design sit next to each other, by putting the compressor at the front of the engine and the turbo at the back.
"The engine has been redesigned entirely," Rossi said. "The split turbo is one element. We will [also] make it more compact, which enables us to move it closer to the driver and therefore the centre of gravity of the car.
"It's lighter. It's capable of operating in a much wider range of conditions, temperature and pressure.
"So it's really like a game-changer for us and it's going to, I hope, enable us to catch up and close the gap to the front of the queue [on engine performance]."
The split-turbo design is difficult to achieve because it requires a long connecting rod between the turbo and compressor that runs across the top of the engine and spins at up to 125,000rpm.
Former Alpine non-executive chairman Alain Prost said when he split with the team last month that the engine was having reliability problems on the test bed.
Rossi said the failures were caused by his asking the engine department to push as hard as possible for maximum performance. He said the design was now running reliably in time for the start of pre-season testing next week.
Rossi said: "I told the team: 'You push the envelope far. I don't care. I'd rather have to dial down the performance, but know that I've reached a peak of the performance I can get and then be reliable, than just feel comfortable with a reliable engine that was not delivering the performance.' Which, by the way, was the approach of the past.
"The good news is we've been doing thousands of kilometres with this new power-unit in the last few weeks, and it went just fine.
"So knock on wood it seems we have fixed that." Wow. Qué bueno. Espero que no entre en el club de la chimenea. Hasta ahora no es candidato.
Enviado desde mi ONEPLUS A5000 mediante Tapatalk
Ojalá todo sea cierto y a parte de aportar potencia, dé otras ventajas, como mejor adaptación a climas, circuitos, centro de gravedad, etc.
Mensajes: 5,663
Temas: 0
Registro en: Aug 2021
(17-02-2022, 23:20)Josemurcia7 escribió: El nuevo Red Bull en pista. Fino fino. ![[Imagen: 1c078b3a9ec05b27cf7e5c0b5744961d.jpg]](
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El cokpit parece adelantado para compensar el CG, y mucha superficie de recorrido para dirigir flujos hacia el alerón trasero. Es una opinión
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Registro en: Aug 2021
18-02-2022, 02:26
(Este mensaje fue modificado por última vez en: 18-02-2022, 02:47 por Faster-F1.)
Off topic
(17-02-2022, 22:01)Faster-F1 escribió: ![[Imagen: KnT0k4H.jpeg]](
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Temas: 3
Registro en: Aug 2019
Buenos dias ,,
Fernando estàpilotarà un coche diseñado por Newey
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Temas: 29
Registro en: Mar 2011
18-02-2022, 08:53
(Este mensaje fue modificado por última vez en: 18-02-2022, 08:54 por German Sanchez.)
Solo por puntualizar. En el video Fernando dice: I hope you enjoy the car and (pausa) it's fast.
La mayoria de las traducciones se quedan con el final "It's fast" y obvian el principio de la frase principal "I hope"
Vamos que Fernando espera que el coche sea rapido, no dice que lo sea.
![[Imagen: tiolavara.png]](
Siempre con Fernando, año tras año.
Un imbécil que lee mucho no reduce un ápice su imbecilidad. Si acaso, se convierte en un imbécil leído.
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Registro en: Mar 2021
18-02-2022, 11:17
(Este mensaje fue modificado por última vez en: 18-02-2022, 11:20 por tous.)
Como ya hiciera con redbull (filtraros el concepto del RB18 horas antes que los medios lo publicaran)
Bueno, pues hoy (¡con TRES días de anticipación!) voy a desvelaros como están las cosas dentro de Alpine...
Al estilo de Horner, gané la puja para un tour por la fábrica de Enstone...
Durante dicho tour, el guía nos deleitaba con ciertos datos de Altísimo Nivel….pero yo fingía no enterarme de nada ( para que nadie sospechara que yo era un safety)
En un descuido, pude colarme en lo que parecía la estancia máás exclusiva, "Only Blackfoot Engineers" ponía.
Que suerte! me dije, ante mí se encontraban ¡seguro! las mentes máh mejores de Enstone!
Así que, llevado por mi alonsismo les grité: ¿a quién hay que chup4rsela pa que le den un cochazo al Nano? ¿ein?
De repente TODOS me rodearon y como tengo palabra... me apliqué con la faena.
¡Fue todo un éxito!
Os aseguro que los bajos del A522 podrán ejercer la mejor succión de toda la parrilla (la crème de la crème) "podría incluso correr por el techo"
deslizó el ingeniero más dotado.
En fin, si finalmente la pista confirma que mis esfuerzos funcionan....¡el tercer título estará chupado!
Hay esperanza…
PD: Disfrutando mucho esta mierd4 presentaciones...
Quedo ansioso ante la gran tomadura de pelo de los test de Barcelona…
¡Viva Liverty Media!
Mensajes: 1,642
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Registro en: Oct 2010
Jajjajajajaj Grande Tous !!!!
 This is a lovely car to drive
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Registro en: Sep 2015
18-02-2022, 13:49
(Este mensaje fue modificado por última vez en: 18-02-2022, 13:49 por taik.)
Este es el primer suelo real que vemos. Que Mercedes y RB hayan optado por sacar el aire caliente por atrás deja solos a Aston y Ferrari con la idea de las branquias.